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3-Day - Trauma Facilitator's Training - Logistics
Participants will receive certification from the Trauma Healing Institute upon completing and passing competency requirements. To register for this training, you must have completed a healing group.
Christian Stronghold Classic Trauma Healing
Pastor's Healing Group
We invite you to consider this workshop series as an opportunity for your congregation or ministry team to experience healing and restoration.
Care for the Caregiver
Offering caregivers a space to relax while providing resources and strategies to support their self-care.
World Aid's Day -
Understanding HIV & AIDS: Education, Prevention, and Compassionate Care
Community Lament Workshop: Processing the Loss Together
As we process the emotions surrounding this election cycle, we invite you to join us in a Community Lament.
Trauma Facilitator's Training - Logistics
Become a Trauma Healing Facilitator
World Aid's Day
Understanding HIV & AIDS: Education, Prevention, and Compassionate Care
Quest Meet & Greet Brunch
Brunch and meet with faciliators, share ideas and see where Quest is headed
Advanced THI Certification - Healing Wounds of Trauma
We invite you to join our trauma healing group. We create a safe space for you to work through your wounded heart. Upon completing and passing competency requirements, participants will be certified through the Trauma Healing Institute.
Generational Trauma Healing
Nov. 18 - Dec. 18
Generational Trauma explores how it affects our lives today. Participants look at historical factors that have impacted America and trace our own experience against that background.
Classic Trauma Healing - Winter Session
Nov. 12 - Dec. 17
This workshop series is specially designed to help those dealing with the emotional weight of trauma and the added stress of the holiday season. Whether you are facing grief, loss, or emotional wounds, this program offers healing for your heart, mind, and soul.